
Showing posts from January 8, 2015

Hmmm!!!! A Broke Guy Should Not Think Of Being In A Relationship - Nollywood Actress,Nancy Isime

A fast rising Nollywood Actress who is also a model and TV presenter,Nancy Isime in A recent interview with TheNation.when asked 'Would you date a broke guy who is jobless? she answered; Let me put it this way, I would date an ambitious guy and ambitious guys are never really broke, they are never jobless.They are guys who are so industrious, guys who would go out there to do everything they can to make money for themselves. I say this because I want the best for anybody that I am in a relationship with, be it a friend, my family member or a boyfriend. In the case of a boyfriend, I believe any man who is broke and jobless really has no business being in a relationship. I say this because it actually takes away from your focus as a man. As a struggling man, you should sit down and focus on your goals, unless you want to be poor forever. If you know you want to be rich, there is a stage you have to pass through. If you can pass through the stage of working hard, p

Buhari visits APC members who were shot at during campaign in Port Harcourt

APC's presidential candidate Buhari and other executive members of the party this morning January 7th visited some members of APC who were shot during his presidential campaign in PortHercourt Yesterday   APC's presidential candidate Buhari and other executive members of the party this morning January 7th visited some members of APC who were shot during his presidential campaign in Port Harcourt yesterday APC's presidential candidate Buhari and other executive members of the party this morning visited some members of APC who were  shot during his presidential campaign in Port Harcourt  yesterday . Read full detailsls of how they were  shot HERE More photos below : - See more at:  APC's presidential candidate Buhari and other executive members of the party this morning visited some members of APC who were  shot during his presidential ca

The Author of Mark Zuckerberg's Book Club Pick Is Surprised, Totally Stoked

Moisés Naím was shocked when copies of his nearly two-year-old book "The End of Power" sold out over the course of a few hours last week. Turns out he had Mark Zuckerberg to thank, after the Facebook chief executive officer chose it to kick off his new online book club. Zuckerberg's New Year's resolution is to read a new book every two weeks. He created a Facebook page called A Year of Books to announce picks and crowdsource recommendations. Unbeknownst to Naím, Zuck's first choice was "The End of Power," which is about how power has shifted from governments, religions and companies to individuals . Naím, a distinguished fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and former Venezuelan politician, called a friend who works at Facebook, assuming she had put in a good word to her boss. She told Naím she had nothing to do with it. He asked others, and they told him that this is something Zuckerberg did on his own. "I ha

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks to students

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg speaks to students during an special assembly at Sequoia High School in Redwood City, Calif. on Sept. 18, 2014. The Facebook founder announced on his page that he has vowed to read a book every other week in 2015, with an emphasis on learning about different beliefs and cultures


The Nigerian Maritime Administration and Safety Agency (NIMASA)wishes to draw the attention of the public to a text message being circulated from a purported HR Consultant, requesting applicants to pay a particular sum of money to process their respective applications in the on-going recruitment exercise. The message reads in part: "Dear applicant, in order to conclude your recruitment exercise, you are required to pay a computer-based smart test fee (CBST) in the sum of 2,500 (Two Thousand Five Hundred Naira) to; GRACELAND DYNAMICS SOLUTIONS ACCOUNT NUMBER 1771251641 SKYE BANK ON OR BEFORE Friday 18th May 2012. With best regards, GRACELAND DYNAMICS SOLUTIONS, HR Consultant". NIMASA will not request any prospective applicant to pay any sum of money before their application will be processed. NIMASA hereby notifies the public that the purported HR Consultants is not acting on its behalf and anybody who succumbs to the antics of the HR Consultant does so at  does

Police officers caught in the act of breaking the law

Police officers spotted urinating on the road opposite the Tafawa Balewa Square in Lagos this morning. Una well done


THE Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) will be awarding outstanding students at its Malaysia campus with a number of new scholarships next year. These include the Wawasan (Vision) Scholarship Award exclusively for children of school teachers who wish to enroll at MDIS Malaysia for any course.   According to MDIS secretary-general Dr R Theyvendran, "The award is in recognition of the contribution, dedication and sacrifice of those who have often gone beyond the call of duty to teach and imbue the right values in our children." The Wawasan Scholarship Award is MDIS Malaysia's way of assisting these teachers, who despite their passion, commitment and hard, are often unable to finance the higher education of their own children. Upon selection by a special college panel, a sum of RM31,100 will be given out to each student (every year) under this award. The other new scholarship to be introd